
1,095 Days

1,095 Days

  Good afternoon! Today is a big day for me, and I have a lot of feelings about it, so I wrote the following piece on my phone this morning. I hope you like it.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello friends, Today is a very special day […]

‘To The Bone’: A Survivor’s Opinion

‘To The Bone’: A Survivor’s Opinion

I was very, very afraid to watch To The Bone. I watched the film a few days ago, gave myself time to process the thoughts and emotions I have, and have categorized those thoughts and feelings into four different sections: the script, the actors, the […]

Wandering Mind Series 7: The Asian-American Ally

Wandering Mind Series 7: The Asian-American Ally

Or, Questioning My Place In Racial Justice as a Minimally Marginalized Minority. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lots of alliteration, huh? I find that when I haven’t written a piece in a while I tend to see alliterations roll off the fingertips as if I were a master of […]

College Room Tour, Winter 2016

College Room Tour, Winter 2016

Hello friends! As promised, here is my partial room tour–partial in that my roommate Kat’s side is not included, because she was asleep when I took these photos. Early bird gets the publicity. Let’s begin! Pictured above is our windowsill and “The Kitchen.” The right cupboard […]