April Showers

Today was a bit of a gloomy day. Rainy, Monday, not all around a pleasant day to be anywhere but in bed, except for maybe these woods. There was something so refreshing about the bleakness of the day the second I stepped into the area–sludge was suddenly captivating, the dampness of the rocks and trees almost poetic. I could feel the forest drinking in the rainwater and releasing a huge sigh of relaxation that was the wind. It was fascinating and both worrisome to be out there; I felt as though I was an intruder, but couldn’t bring myself to leave. It was the perfect remedy for my sophomore slump.
I threw on as much silver jewelry I could find, broken or not. What can I say? I’ve been really into silver accents this season.
If your necklace chain is broken, and you’re lazy/impatient like me, you can just knot the broken ends together to give the piece a rougher look. You can knot the necklace as well to layer your pieces more effectively as well. When you’re stacking necklaces, you want all of the charms to hit at different levels on your chest to showcase each one.
Doc Martens were necessary for this terrain.
I didn’t feel like putting a ton of color into the outfit, so I just made a splash of bright orange with my nails and lips.
Haha, I look so lonely.
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Thanks for reading. 🙂
Much love,