Black White and Nursery Rhymes

I managed to take some pics for two outfits before the crappy weather came in, so I’m trying to make my existing material last and do some other, maybe more creative posts until nature gets its junk together. Let’s jump in!
For some reasons these photos came out HUUUUGE but whatever, it’s cool. I really wanted to use an outfit that showcased my new lipstick because I friggin’ love it. The outfit is fairly basic. You can’t see them in the above picture but I’m wearing these high rise tailored shorts from Forever21 that I have owned and loved since the summer of last year. It’s one of the major staples in my wardrobe.
Honestly, this outfit was designed purely to showcase the facial area, what with the big coat and the tight pony tail (which took me forever because I can NOT stand bumps in my hair). Let me just show you all what you wanna see.

I’m a die-hard fan of statement pieces, so when I found these glasses for $10 bucks I had to go for them. If you’ve read my November Favorites post already, you’ve seen these already. They’re just–*sigh*–they’re just so cool and weird and borderline creepy and wonderful. That’s really all I have to say.
Sorry if you felt like this post was lacking in substance, but I don’t feel very well so I think I’m just gonna grab some tea and take a quick Sunday afternoon siesta. Stay tuned for a Black Friday Haul and a What’s On My Rack post possibly in the future!
Don’t forget to like the Facebook page for updates, find me on Twitter and Tumblr @ProjectMaganda, and check me out on Instagram @ErinKaelie (I’m on Instagram the most often, FYI).
Thanks again for reading!
Much love,