Fall: Essentials and Favorites
Fall is undoubtedly my absolute favorite time of year. The weather is perfect, the colors are beautiful, and everything just seems better.
Another interesting thing about fall–even as the years go by and trends morph and change, fall manages to maintain a similar and rarely changing set of staples and must-haves. Here’s a list of my fall staples that I love and associate most strongly with this glorious season.
1. Jazz
I’m not a hard core fan of jazz in any time of the year except for fall and sometimes winter. There’s just something about the feel and cool tone that jazz carries, whether it be upbeat or slow and smooth, and always seems to have an underlying current of cool weather and leaves crunching under your feet. I’m not talking about the twelve bar blues (never been a fan of that); I’m talking about classic, innovative, swanky night club jazz.

2. Hot Tea
I may have found a new love this year with Starbucks’ Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, but hot tea has been an obsession of mine since last fall. Grant it, I began drinking tea as an attempt to curb my hunger pains from skipping meals, but the drink was good nonetheless. My first brew this year was a bit emotional for me–the scent and taste of it made me tear up a bit from the unpleasant memory of what it used to represent. It’s amazing what negative association can do to a person.
Anyway, my go-to brew is Triple Leaf Tea’s Super Slimming Herbal Tea. Before you freak out–yes, it’s an additional support while dieting. No, I’m not on a diet. But I do like to stay healthy and I don’t believe that the tea is doing me any harm. I drink it as instructed and am completely safe with it (much unlike last year). It’s a simple herbal tea, and I slaughter with inhumane amounts of honey.
I’m also experimenting with Sunflower’s Jasmine Tea. It’s not my favorite, but I can’t wait to finish it off and use the tin for something else. In all honesty, that’s the real reason I bought it.
I mean, come on. It’s a really cool tin.
3. Sweaters
I have expressed my undying adoration of sweaters too many times to count on this blog, but I can’t not mention them once again. Sweaters are one of the only articles of clothing that you can just throw on and get going! Sweaters don’t even have to be your size–I’m sporting a men’s large chunky knit Goodwill find as a write this post.
This photo is freaking majestic.
Moving on.
No, no. I can’t move on. Just look at it one more time.
Now we’re moving on.
4. Boots Boots Boots!
This is a kind of cop out considering I don’t actually own the boots I’m talking about, and I’ve yet to find the perfect pairs. However, I broke out my short gray Uggs last night and I couldn’t be cozier right now. I know, I know: “Wow, Erin. I thought you were fashionable.”
Yeah, well I’m toasty, too. Maybe I’ll style Uggs sometime and show y’all that they’re not all that disgusting looking. Kinda.
ANYWAY, I think I’m going to grab the Buy One Pair Get the Other for $15 at Charlotte Russe tonight, because it’s just a little too good to pass up. Charlotte Russe has become my default for footwear dupes.
5. Warm Colors
Summer to Fall is the trickiest seasonal wardrobe transition there is, so where do you start? Color. It’s totally okay to switch into fall colors the second you feel the slightest nip in the late August air. I usually like to ease into it by starting with my nails. I switch from bright teals and peaches to deep intense colors, and move into my neutrals from there. It’s a bit of a science I pride myself in.
Here’s Pantone’s 2013 Fall Color Report to get you started.
That’s all for my fall essentials and favorites! Let me know if you think I left anything off and if you want to see anything else–be it fall related or something completely different–in the comments section!
I took enough pictures for four separate posts today, so I’m well stocked for the rest of the month–that means no waiting for my readers! I’m glad I could catch up.
Much love,