Hot Flash: A Glimpse of Summer
The last time I posted was too long ago. What can I say? Exams come first, man.

So just before Tennessee owned up to its reputation of ridiculously fluctuating weather, it was hot outside. And, in the spirit of that thirty-five second time period, I flipped out and put this together. Summer is a really odd season for fashion because of the restriction on layering. So how does an outfit pop when you can’t pile on seven necklaces or throw a cardigan or jacket over your back? Here’s what I came up with.
I attempted to ride the skateboard. I have chosen not to include the photos of my attempts in this post.
I kind of hate my arms, lol. Working on my self esteem in that department.
So that was my lovely minute in the sun before the rain smacked us in the face.
I have another look cued up for the tail end of the month, so stay tuned!
Don’t forget to like PM’s Facebook page for updates on when I post something new on the blog. Follow me on Twitter and Tumblr @ProjectMaganda and on Instagram, Luvocracy, Poshmark, and The Hunt @ErinKaelie to see what I’m loving this month.
ALSO! If you live in the Nashville Area (Brentwood, Franklin, etc.) There is going to be a garage sale on May 31st that’ll include a lot of my stuff as well as some galaxy Keds hand painted by one of my best friends Kathryn Woolsey. I’ll include the details on my social media networks later in the week and keep you posted on what to expect. Hope to see you there!
Much love,