
WYSLTWRT: Toro Y Moi “New Beat”
The infamous 2015 Tennessee Snowpocalypse rebooted yesterday, and this time around I decided to take advantage of my incredible location. And, in the absence of a February Favorites (honestly I hate Monthly Faves so much), I decided to showcase an outfit I have worn repeatedly in the past two weeks. That counts as a favorite, right?
The outfit itself gives off just as many confusing vibes as the weather surrounding it–I feel strong influences from Velma of Scooby Doo, hints of your stereotypical Parsons graduate, and the pungency of a freelance writer who listens to too much Tame Impala and reads too much Murakami.
Well, regardless of the outfit’s representation of how I spend my free time, the color scheme has been a real favorite of mine for as long as I can remember. I’m pretty sure I could make an outfit entirely consisting of the print on the blazer, with a bag and wallet to match. This blue/green plaid obsession rivals my black & white stripe addiction.
The star pin and the hourglass necklace were presents from my parents (thanks fam), while I found the seahorse pendant in a used costume store. They were all just so weird and random that I couldn’t resist putting them together. The jet black velvet skater dress is a perfect base for the bling and my green scarf.
My cat actually chewed off one of the laces in my right shoe, so I had to make do last minute. Thanks Frita.
I used the same curling method as I did in my previous style post, since I literally have no idea what else to do with my awkwardly growing hair, and donned a faded berry color on my lips. Since I’m wearing these glasses, I only shaded my lash line with a little bit of brown rather than doing really dramatic eyes. I don’t want my face to look like a battleground.
And yes, the glasses are fake. They are an accessory, and please get over yourself.
So, to encapsulate the outfit in one phrase: the look is pretty freaking meta, and I’m so in love with it.
Enjoy the lookbook!

I hope you’re as into this look as I am 🙂
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Thanks for reading! See y’all soon, and stay warm.
Much love,