Monthly Favorites: January

So, here we are at the end of January, and I’ve barely done anything, hm? I know. It just sooooo coooooooold and I’m facing a bit of style block. I think some inspiration is coming back to me, so I promise I’ll get back on my game. In the meantime, you can treat yourself to some new gems I’ve unearthed this month.
1. “Energy” Aromatherapy Body Lotion
I popped into Bath and Body Works earlier this month, and I’m extremely glad I did. I don’t frequent B&BW at all, but this little bottle caught my eye at the entrance. Bath and Body Works has come out with this new Aromatherapy line complete with body lotions, soaps, and bath scrubs that supposedly help you get energized, relieve you of stress, help you sleep, or awake your senses. Since I need a little (okay, a lot) of help staying alert in class, I opted for the Energy Body Lotion. It comes in this really awesome tinted glass bottle that reminds me of the recent apothecary trend that’s been ravaging the shelves of Urban Outfitters recently. Might take the label off and use for other purposes once I’m done.
Oh, how is it working? Pretty good. Haven’t fallen asleep in class since using this on my hands and the bridge of my nose/under my eyes.
I have a weird taste in what packaging is appealing to me. As much as I loved the glass bottle of the Energy lotion, I wasn’t crazy about all the background art and stuff. I like packaging that looks good in my hand, and looks like it’s going to work. I’m a little ashamed to say it, but that’s what attracted me to CeraVe to begin with. But after doing my research and seeing the great reviews on this stuff, I took a leap of faith and bought the tub (I truly prefer tubs). And, just like the clean and simple packaging promises, it works wonders. I usually apply this to my dry and irritated areas at night after I take a shower. I don’t have to use a ton to get great results, so it’s definitely worth the price. You can find it at your local Walgreens.
3. Voluminous False Fiber Lashes Waterproof Mascara
So I recently ran out of my Rocket mascara, which was featured in a previous Monthly Favorites post. I thought I’d be a little unfaithful and try this golden baby out for a bit, and I actually kinda like it. The way this mascara works is that it creates fake build up past your lashes, or something like that. It takes a little getting used to (it feels kinda weird and sometimes clumps on me) but the finished look is actually really nice and not heavy looking at all. This mascara just makes my lashes look…long. Not huge, not thick, but not “natural”. Just long. Idk, take it for a spin.
4. Maybelling FITme! Concealer
I got this concealer in conjunction with my new liquid foundation, (which doesn’t really deserve a mention, to be honest. It’s meh.) but found the concealer to be really stellar. Firstly, the applicator makes it really easy for me to apply as much or as little of the product anywhere I want. Y’all know I love control. Also, there were a lot of instances this month when I wore the bare minimum amount of makeup I was comfortable with showing myself in public with, and I just covered my unevenness with this concealer. No setting powder, nothing–and I was good to go the entire day. Glad I found this stuff!
5. Kavu
I was ridiculously opposed to Kavus last year, probably just because my best friends was such a devoted advocate for them. She always had her Kavu around, and I was always ignorant to the thought that I would ever need one. But one camp after another lugging insufficient backpacks and the like had me weary and sore, I gave in and got this bright kiwi Kavu with a matching pouch. It really is an extremely useful bag for when you just need to grab some essentials and go. Plus, I love the pop of color in the design. So, I hate to say this, but Madison was right.
Those are all my January favorites! I know I usually throw some sort of musical favorite in here, but I just gave you guys a Music Spotlight, and I like to balance out my content on PM.
Thanks for reading up to this point! Be sure to check out my previous posts. You can like PM on Facebook, follow me on Twitter and Tumblr @ProjectMaganda, and on Instagram @ErinKaelie for daily updates on my life.
Also, if you’re into shopping apps, find me on Poshmark and Luvocracy @ErinKaelie.
Thanks again!
Much love,