Monthly Favorites: November

Happy December! I hope everyone has had a restful and fun Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you all were able to spend quality time with your families and stuff your face with turkey without a care.

As we roll ourselves off our beds and back to school for the longest two weeks in history before Christmas break, we also move ourselves into a new climate and whip out the old gloves, coats, and hats. Bundling up and still looking like a person rather than a coat closet has always been a struggle for me, so battling that issue is my mission for December!

Here are some things I have been loving in November, as I cherish the last moments of fall.

1. Marie Curie: A Novel by Eve Curie

There was a more compact printing of this book at the library that I could have picked, but I can never resist an old hard cover. Stirrup bookmark gifted.
There was a more compact printing of this book at the library that I could have picked, but I can never resist an old hard cover. Stirrup bookmark gifted.


Pictured above is Marie Curie (Then Manya Slodosvksa) and one of her older sisters, Bronya.

I have to write a five page paper on a famous scientist for my chemistry class, and I chose to write about Marie Curie, the woman who discovered radioactive elements with her husband Pierre. I used to read little children’s biographies when I was little, and I was fascinated with Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison (Although I have since converted to Team Tesla), Pippa Funnel, Albert Einstein, and…you guessed it! Madame Curie. I thought I knew a lot about her already (and grant it, I did know more than the average person) until I started reading this book for my report. It was written by her daughter Eve, and it reads much like a novel. This is horrible for writing a research paper, but it makes for a great book to read by the fireplace. I don’t think I’ve ever actually been legitimately lost in the story line of a biography before. If you ever get the chance, give it a quick glance.

Hey, that rhymed.

2. Home Made Soap 

Handmade Bar Soap–$4, Whole Foods.
The soap was a lot bigger when I got it at the beginning of the month. It’s also not as orange as it looks in this photo.

So if you’ve been into a Whole Foods before (Don’t get me started on Whole Foods it’s a paradise of life forever ily okay ay papi) you know that they have that whole middle section that consists of really soft shirts, socks, and junk. Behind that, kind of in the same section, is the hand-made soap section. I absolutely fell in love with three different flavored (flavored?…scented.) scented soaps, but I was advised (thanks mom) to only buy one rather than all three just in case I had an allergic reaction. I bought the mango pomegranate scented bar to test and I love it! I’ll be making my way back to Whole Foods soon to get my Lavender scented bar and Pineapple scented bar.

3. Dove Sensitive Skin Nourishing Body Wash (Unscented)

Dove Sensitive Skin Nourishing Body Wash in Unscented--$7, Publix.
Dove Sensitive Skin Nourishing Body Wash in Unscented–$7, Publix.

SPEAKING OF ALLERGIC REACTIONS, my next favorite is my new body wash by Dove. I picked this up as a second choice and was pleasantly surprised to find that I am really satisfied with the job that this body wash is doing. I originally wanted to get something by Nivea because I am literally devoted to their lip balms (and if I’ve yet to mention the Nivea lip balms I will be sure to mention them soon) but I could not find a Nivea body wash that did not contain Almonds in some way. Being put off by my potential death due to anaphylactic shock, I went running and screaming in the other direction and bought this. We are very happy together and I expect a marriage proposal within the next two weeks.

4. Funky Sunglasses /


022 021

I found this website through Instagram called, which sells awesome high quality sunglasses for $5-$10! This isn’t a spot or anything–I’m legitimately happy with my purchase, because I was totally prepared to be dissatisfied with the quality of the glasses. I got a Bug Eye ode to John Lennon (or Harry Potter, depending on what generation from which you hail) and a cheeky white pair that says “Cross my Heart // Hope to Die // Stick a Needle // In my Eye”. It’s a little too in-your-face for some, but I find it a super-cool statement. I actually bought four pairs of sunglasses, but two of them had lenses that were just too small to compliment my face shape, and I am now selling them on my Poshmark. If you look on my Posh, I’m hoping to make a major profit (basically I’m selling them for what they’re actually worth). But if you know me and have my number, shoot me a text and I can sell them to you for $10 each, just like how I got them.

5. Claire Marshall | heyclaire


It’s been hard for me to really enjoy anyone’s YouTube other than the usual staples that I covered in one of my first posts here on Project Maganda about my inspirations and junk, but I’ve started to really take a liking to Claire Marshall of heyclaire. She’s pretty edgy and super funny, plus she has perfect eyebrows and evenly winged eyeliner so she is obviously a supreme being. I understand if she’s not everyone’s cup o’ tea, but she doesn’t have to be. People aren’t tea. I’ll link you guys to her channel here.

That is all for November Favorites! Wow, I feel like this one was really really long. I only have five favorites this time, so I guess I was just really wordy with the post this month.

I feel like this would be so much easier if I could actually physically talk to y’all and show you guys what I’m talking about and all. Hmm…that’s a thought.

I bought a BUTT LOAD of things via the internet and other places this Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, and I’m still not done. Expect a Black Friday haul post as soon as everything gets shipped in, so probably around Christmas break. We’ll see.

Thanks again for reading! Let me know in the comments section if you’ve got a favorite this month you want me to check out or whatever. Don’t forget to like Project Maganda on Facebook, Follow me on Tumblr and Twitter @ProjectMaganda, and for some life tidbits follow me on Instagram @ErinKaelie.

Thanks again!

Much love,
