Music Spotlight: The Internet “Feel Good” Album

March was the month of transitions for me. Everything from the drastic change in the weather to the closing of our school musical to my grades crashing and burning–nothing has been constant these past 31 days.

In the same uncomfortable stupor, I lacked any music to hold me through. My iTunes was selectively wiped (for the FIFTH time), nothing was appealing to me on the radio, my library resources were near exhaustion, and SoundCloud just wasn’t feeling my vibes. What else to do but turn to Spotify?

The most lovable feature on Spotify, in my opinion, is the mood/time/situation inspired suggested playlists. They’re a really great way to find new bands and artists in your desired genre and the perfect background music for your current mood. I found “Dontcha” by The Internet on one of my suggested evening drive playlists, and fell in love with the airy vocals paired with the R&B synth and playful guitar. I later on checked out the entire album, which, to my delight, gave a similar vibe to that original hit. My summer nights are no longer complete without this album, and I’m so glad I ran across it.

So even though this month has had its incredible highs and incredible lows, Feel Good still has me, well, feeling good.



Hopefully I will get to styling something this week. See you all soon!

Much love,
