SCENE&HEARD Vanderbilt Fashion Show
Sorry for the half-month hiatus, my computer and my life both sort of crashed a bit this past week. I promise I will get back up to date on new posts, outfits, Monthly Favorites, and Music Spotlights as soon as I am able. Thanks for keeping the faith!
So a while back in February (I believe it was the 23rd) My friend and I attended the SCENE&HEARD Fashion Show at Vanderbilt, organized and performed by all Vanderbilt students. The show featured local boutiques and brands such as Blush, Fringe & Lace, and others. The proceeds of the show went towards an organization called Dress For Success, that provides women with the wardrobe required to land and maintain a job in the community. Very cool.
As for my opinion of the show, I didn’t think that it was professional or elaborate by any means, but it served its purpose. The whole event was at least fairly impressive for college students to have put it on.
Here are my best shots and my favorite looks from the night. Again, there wasn’t anything that hard-core struck my fancy, but I appreciated the diversity of the models and the varying styles I saw.

Which look is your favorite! Let me know in the comment section below, or you can tweet me @ProjectMaganda, talk to me on Tumblr @ProjectMaganda, or hit me up on Pintrest, Poshmark, Luvocracy and Instagram @ErinKaelie.
Thanks for reading! There’s definitely a lot of content coming your way!
Much love,