The Basics: The Foundation Pieces Everyone Needs in Their Closet (Part 1)
For my very first blog post, I’ve decided to go over the bases or foundations of the average everyday outfit. Now this post excludes a lot of things, I’ll admit. These are just my top ten bare minimum items everyone needs in their closet, divided into two separate posts.
Here we go!
1. A good pair of skinny jeans

I cannot express the importance of having even just one pair of regular wash skinny denim. The skinny jean can be dressed up, down, in between…not to mention there is a pair of jeans for every body type. The skinny jean is the best invention since, well…jeans themselves.
You have to be careful when buying skinny denim, however. You can’t just settle for anything just because you feel like you need a pair, or it was the cheapest thing on the rack. Here are some simple guidelines:
a) They should be high quality. You’re going to be wearing these babies out, so be prepaired to drop a few bucks for the right jean.
b) They should be pretty plain. These jeans will be the canvas on which you create your masterpiece. Start with something simple.
c) They should FIT YOU. What is the point of buying a pair of jeans for up to $70 if you don’t feel comfortable wearing it all day, every day? Your jeans should flatter you in all the right places. If you can’t find one you like, keep looking. There’s a jean out there for you, even if it’s not the “super-duper spectacular low rise skinny jean”. Remember, it’s all about you and what makes you feel good in your own skin.
2. The V-neck

Alright. I need to express my undying love for the ever versatile and ever-so-flattering shirt that is the v-neck. Even on my worst days, it never fails to make me feel better about myself, even if just a little bit. On days when I don’t really feel like putting a lot of effort into my outfit (which is more often than you think), I opt for the v-neck.
3. Canvas Shoe

So this basic is sort of interesting to me, because I often think of shoes as more like accessories. But on more casual days, when I don’t really feel like wearing my platform creepers or my multiple pairs of combat boots, I go for the canvas shoe. The shoes pictured on the left and right I have had forever, and loved dearly (if you can’t see by the picture, they’re pretty worn out). I recently added the white Converse Chuck Taylors to my collection, and I’m still not sure how I’ve managed to put any outfit together before owning these. The canvas shoe gives any outfit a more boyish or rough-and-tumble street style, great for a casual day out or at school.
My school has a really weird underlying current of status based on the canvas shoe. All the popular girls (NOT me) have the same pair of Keds, the same pair of Vans, etc. It’s like they all go shopping together secretly so everyone shows up with the same shoes on the first day of school. And while I don’t usually roll with that crowd, but I have to hand it to them: the populars do know how to rock their basics.
4. Denim/Chambray Shirt

I’ll be honest. I have big issues with purchasing this basic. Whenever I go out looking for my basic denim shirt, I come back with something majorly acid washed, gradiated, or (pictured above) a shirt with a giant cutout on the shoulders. You know what’s sad though? This is the simplest of the three denim shirts I’ve bought, and I’ve worn it a lot.I personally love the denim shirt because it can be worn so many ways. You just have to figure out how you like it or switch it up every time, it’s up to you.
5. The LBD

You had to’ve seen this one coming, right? I mean, come on. How could I not mention the Little Black Dress? I have many LBDs, although you really only need one (i’m very naughty). This one is by far my favorite, actually because…

The back actually dips down in the shape of a V to the lower/middle area of my back.
That’s the end of part one! Part two will showcase my basics list #5-10. Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to comment!
Much love,