When The Weather Gets…Weird

WYSLTWRT: Dynamo feat. Dain Ussery “Movin’ On”
There’s this very awkward period in the year where winter turns to spring, and while it’s lovely and embraced universally, it is also quite tricky to dress for. You don’t know whether to pull out your spring attire or sweat it out in your parka for another week, you scour Pinterest for ideas on reintroducing color into your palette, and Punxsutawney Phil is your fortune teller of choice.
The day we shot this look, it had been raining for two days straight and only let up for about an hour–just enough time for me to slap an outfit together. So, here’s my idea on what-to-wear-if-it’s-warmer-but-not-that-much-warmer-and-it-just-rained-and-you-feel-like-being-a-newsboy. Too general?
I originally wore this with my trusty black overcoat just in case the weather got nippy, but I generally was feeling the look more without the overcoat.
One of my favorite fall-to-winter/winter-to-spring combinations is the shorts+sheer tights+thigh high socks combo. It adds interest without sacrificing comfort, warmth, or figure; the ensemble is an all-around winner.
The sweater is one of the perks of having two older brothers. The other perk is old oversized band tees. Thanks guys.
The outfit lacked interest up top so I added my weird little crew necklace to break up the black of the sweater. For makeup, I went with a smokey eye and a nude lip. Nude is the new red, you know.
My brother’s girlfriend bought me this cap at a greek festival in Nashville many many years ago, when my head was much much smaller. Thank you Emma; I still wear this today (even though it doesn’t come close to fitting my head)!
My Litas were sitting in the back of my closet feeling lonely and forsaken, so I had to bust them out once again just to remind you all of my insanity/superiority.
The paper bag shorts from Forever21 look incredibly awkward when not covered up by a large shirt or sweater, so I use them more so as a layering device than anything else.
Thanks for reading! More to come.
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Much love,