Falling For You

All seasons are associated with romance in some way or another. But only spring and fall can truly take romance and turn it into something universal that all of us can enjoy, whether we have someone we’re in love with or not. I, for one, am not “in love” with anyone and plan to stay that way for a while. The words are too strong for me to associate them with a person being at such a young age. I believe that the words “in love” are reserved for the one you plan to make your spouse, and I obviously am not getting married any time soon.
However, not being in love doesn’t mean you can’t dress like you are. That being said, you also don’t have to dress like you want to be. Ladies, I present to you this: the perfect balance between romance and man-repulsion!
Thousands of surveys conducted by various teen magazines (Yes, I read those, and so do you) state that guys 15-18 find confident girls with red lips and soft curls super attractive and 100% dateable. Check.
Those same guys also stated in the same surveys that they are intimidated and put off by fashion forward girls who wear crazy shoes, dysfunctional jewelry, and hats on any day other than Easter Sunday. Check.
Okay, I may have paraphrased that last part.
Oh, how I love to confuse boys.
Any awkward relationship stuff you wanna get off your chest? Tell me about it! I read and reply to almost all of your comments.
Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to find me on Instagram for pics of my daily life @erinkaelie and Twitter and Tumblr @projectmaganda for updates on the blog. Also like my Facebook Page (Just look to the right of the screen).
Love you all! September Faves is coming up 🙂
Much love,